Partnerships for the Goal
We are proud of our work with multi-stakeholder partnerships that promote the development, transfer and dissemination of environmentally sound technologies for the fashion industry across borders.
Being a responsible business is important to us, which is why we are B Corp. House of Baukjen was awarded a ‘Best for the World’ badge for scoring in the top 5% of all B Corps in the area of Governance in 2021.
House of Baukjen recognises the Climate and Ecological Emergency our planet faces and is proud to join the Business Declares initiative. We will continue to act and report on progress to tackle this crisis, both within our company and the industry.

Clean water & sanitation
Looking at the responsible use and disposal of water, with a focus on lowering consumption
Progress to date
Responsible disposal of water post-production

Climate Action
Lowering carbon emissions in order to limit global climate change
Progress to date
Committed to limiting global warming

Life Below Water
Preventing water pollution to reduce impact on life below water
Reducing use of synthetic fibres
Halting microplastic pollution

Life on Land
Protecting terrestrial ecosystems and promoting the sustainable use of land resources
No Deforestation on our watch
Protecting Nature

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Proud to be a Living Wage employer
Decent and safe work in supply chain
Policies for Sustainable Economic Growth

Reduced Inequalities
10% of profits donated each year
Read more about this work in our Philanthropy page

Responsible Consumption and Production
Responsible materials and production
We are a Zero Waste business
Responsible packaging
Circularity and Transparency

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
We use innovative materials and work with suppliers who continuously invest in environmentally sound technologies .
We support the development of circular economy infrastructure, including improvement of recycling at production and use of recycled materials

Gender Equality
Empowering Women
Zero pay-gap in our company

Affordable and Clean Energy
100% renewable energy in our offices and warehouses
Green Value Chain

No Poverty
We are active in the anti-slavery movement, our factories have signed our rigorous code of conduct and we are a Living Wages company. We’ve also partnered with Oxfam to donate a portion of proceeds from sale of our Pre-Loved collection to fighting Poverty

Zero Hunger
We donate more than 10% of our profits to charities including ones that address hunger. We are careful in our sourcing of natural raw materials so that their agriculture doesn’t put strain on food systems.

Good Health and Well-Being
We work to reduce our contributions to pollution, namely air and water pollution which directly impact human health globally. We promote well-being in our supply chain, namely by ensuring good working conditions for workers. We further support charities who are addressing this SDG.

Quality Education
Although we do not directly impact this SDG, we always search for ways to help, for example by donating computers to underserved communities that need them the most and donating materials to local schools.

Sustainable Cities and Communities
We aim to be a force for good in the communities we are inserted in, for example by choosing a Certified Green Building for our office and settling our warehouse in a low-income area. We engage with local communities when possible, try to support local businesses and support fair and sustainable development with our business.

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
We actively seek to work only with companies that protect Fundamental Freedoms and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development. We promote the end of abuse and exploitation through our partnerships and will promptly address any infractions found in our supply chain.
At House of Baukjen we are campaigning for change and striving for hope by disrupting the fast fashion model. We realise that we need to lead by example and encourage others, which is why we pride ourselves in transparency; across our fabrics, supply chain and our circular model including our re-commerce initiatives: Pre-Loved and Care and Repair.
You can consult our Impact Report 2021, where we disclose further information about our Environmental and Social impacts. This report includes TCFD and SASB disclosures.
We are proud of our journey so far, but we are not perfect and there is much more to be done. As we campaign, we encourage everyone to join our movement.
*This impact report reflects the best available information at the time of writing. We rely on a mix of primary and secondary data for our environmental calculations, adjustments to our calculations are sometimes made to reflect new data and can have an impact on the numbers here reported.