The Conversation - Heather Blagden
Heather is 33, she works as a self-employed beautician and has two sons, aged 2, and 6 days old. We asked her about how she felt when she became a mum and the struggles of choosing a baby name.

How would you sum up how your life has changed since becoming a mum?
I would sum it up by saying it’s like someone injecting a whole lot of love to your life but with that also worry, fear and a bit of loneliness. I thought I knew what to expect but I didn’t have a clue, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
What’s the best thing about being a mother?
The best thing is being able to get cuddles and kisses from a little person who unconditionally loves you, whenever you want. Also meeting lots of great new friends for life.
Favourite apps for during pregnancy?
During pregnancy I liked the baby centre app.

Favourite apps for new mums?
I like Hoop to find activities in my area and Baby Tracker for an easy way to record my feeds for my baby. Also Mush to meet new mums.
If you could give one piece of advice to expectant mothers, what would it be?
The hard bit won’t last forever, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and you will get there. Make sure you get out and about to playgroups and meet other mums and dads.
What do you miss from your pre-kids life?
Sleep, sleep, sleep!!!

How did you and your partner decide on baby names and what factors played a role?
My partner and I found it quite difficult to agree on a name, especially for our second child. Most names I liked, he didn’t and vice versa. I mainly used online name lists and read them out and we both made a short list. We both liked the idea of having a couple of names to pick from once baby was here, but there was usually a front runner.
My husband and I usually went for names that weren’t too common but that were actual names and not places or made up. Both our children have middle names that mean something to us. My first son has his late grandad’s name and my second has a name that has been passed down through my side of the family. Another important factor while choosing names was that we wanted a name that could see them through being a child to adulthood, either not too baby-ish or not too adulty.

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